Advice to a junior creative
I was recently asked to meet with a graduating college senior to share my experiences, talk about the industry, and answer any questions he had. On the call, I found myself rambling off all of these lessons I’d learned and accidental experiences that led me to incredible opportunities and said things like “keep learning, stay connected, don’t get lost in trends”, etc. Well not long after the call ended - it hit me… all of the advice I was attempting to give this poor kid could have been summed up in 2 words.
Stay curious.
When kicking off a new project - stay curious. Ask questions like “Where will this work be used? How will it be used? Who are we designing for? Who are the project decision makers? Will this ever be printed?” “Is there anything else I should keep in mind?”.
When a design peer (or even someone junior to you) has a better solution - stay curious. Ask them things like where they got that idea or how did they execute it. Then compliment them on a job well done!
When someone without a design background makes a suggestion, don’t just write it off - stay curious. Take a few extra minutes and see where it might lead.
When you think you’ve found your design solution in the first round of work - stay curious. When possible, walk away for a bit, sleep on it, and come back with fresh eyes. Re-read the brief. Re-read your notes. You’d be amazed how often something vital gets left out of that first round.
So yes - to creatives young and old, I say “Stay curious.” It’s the best way to stay creative and current.
Take a class. Connect with a mentor. Explore different industries. Just keep going - perseverance is key!